星期三, 7月 29, 2009

星期三, 3月 04, 2009

製造 QuickTime export setting 檔的方法

1) Open a movie representative of the kind you'd like to export
2) Choose "Export" from the "File" menu
3) Select the desired export kind from the "Export:" popup menu (Movie to QuickTime movie in this example)
4) Click the "Options..." button to specify your custom settings, then click OK
5) Note that the "Use:" popup menu now displays "Most Recent Settings"
6) Start the export by clicking on the "Save" button (if you don't start an export the "Most Recent Settings" won't stick)
7) Cancel the export if it is a long one
8) To double-check the export settings, select the "Export..." menu item again. The "Export:" popup in the export dialog should indicate the last export performed and the "Use:" popup should display "Most Recent Settings". Click on the "Options..." button to confirm that the settings are indeed what you desire (you can skip this step once you gain confidence that this process actually works).
9) Without closing the open movie, run the following AppleScript

tell app "QuickTime Player"
tell first movie
save export settings for QuickTime movie to file "My Volume:Export to Xyz Format"
end tell
end tell

10) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for each export variation. Be sure to provide meaningful names for the export settings files.

To perform the actual movie export, use something like the following:

tell app "QuickTime Player"
tell first movie
-- export various movie versions
export to "My Volume:Movie Xyz" as QuickTime movie ,
using settings alias "My Volume:Export to Xyz Format.set"
export to "My Volume:Movie Xyy" as QuickTime movie ,
using settings alias "My Volume:Export to Xyy Format.set"
export to "My Volume:Movie Xzz" as QuickTime movie ,
using settings alias "My Volume:Export to Xzz Format.set"
-- etc.
end tell
end tell

Keep in mind that there is only one "Most Recent Settings" for each export type so you may want to make note of your settings in case you want to go back and tweak them.

星期六, 2月 07, 2009

iWeb 製作的網頁在 IE 無法正常顯示圖片

一直以來, iWeb 做出來的網頁在 IE 都有圖片不正常的現像, 今天認真的去找了答案, 居然是: IE 無法正確顯示帶透明度的 PNG 圖檔!

本來認為是 iWeb 用了不標準的語法, 現在才知道是它用了 IE 不支援的圖檔格式.
不知道 IE 8 是否會解決這個問題.

星期三, 1月 28, 2009

安裝 Mac OSX 10.5 需要多少硬碟空間

最近有一個機會,重裝我 MacBook Pro 的系統,順便記錄了一下:
OS 10.5,剛裝完 14G(真大)
升級10.5.6 14.33G
裝完iLife'08 17.32G
裝完iWork'08 18.12G

星期六, 1月 17, 2009

Passant SE 中文檔名測試

AEM Passant SE 使用 QuickTime 6.x 會有許蓋功(中文字第一byte為"\")的問題。
將 QuickTime 昇級到 7(目前使用7.5.5)之後,就沒有這個問題。

但 Passant 有另一個問題,它不能使用 Unicode,所以在設定檔名時,若使用了 unicode 的字,不但該字會變 "?",而且無法存檔。不過 QuickTime 7.5.5 本身是可以使用 unicode 的檔名,此問題是 Passant 本身的問題。

星期四, 1月 15, 2009

AVData 搬家

File Server avdata 從原本的 61.22 正式搬到 61.16。
61.22 從 R/W 改為 Read Only,預計觀察一週再關機。